Join Us Sunday Mornings
God is the audience of each service. The Bible informs every aspect of the service. And while we strive to be sensitive to guests, the worship services are for Believers. Substance (the Word) and Authenticity (transparency/realness) are two words that could describe CrossPoint’s worship services.

God – Glorifying
Christ – Centered
Spirit – Empowered
Biblically – Based

Unhurried prayer
Worship through song
Worship through the Word
Worship through tithes/offerings
Community elements

Observed on the first Sunday of every month to remind us of Christ’s sacrifice and imminent return.

Instead of passing the offering plates, we ask families or groups of friends to spend time in prayer together over their gift and then one person bring the offering to one of the baskets at the front of the stage. We want to teach our children that all we have is from the Lord and we want them to understand “why” we participate in each element. The baskets we use are from Rwanda and were made by widows from the Genocide. We want to remind our people every week that God is global and much bigger than just our corner of Highland and Airline.

Sunday morning attire ranges from blue jeans and a t-shirt to coat and tie. On special occasions (mainly baby dedications and Mother’s Day), the pastoral staff has even been known to wear ties!
If flip-flops are how you roll, then put them on and come on in! We do, however, ask that you leave the tambourine playing to our gifted percussionists.
What To Expect
We are located in Baton Rouge on the corner of Highland and Airlnine at 14965 Airline Highway.
Park in guest parking as you turn upon entering the church’s campus.
Sunday School begins at 9:00AM and corporate worship starts at 10:30AM. Come a little early; children’s check-in is open and we’d love to meet you!
From jeans to suits, we have it all. Be relaxed or dress it up — we’ll be excited to see you!
Our worship services feature a modern hymnody that supports the sound of our congregation singing.
We preach through a text of the Bible verse-by-verse. Our sermons aim to clearly explain what the text means and how it applies to our lives.
We can help. Contact the church office at (225) 752-2400 or email us here.