At CrossPoint, we long to see Christ’s Church grow and we believe a healthy church is measured by spiritual growth rather than numerical growth. That being the case, we recognize Christ’s Church is not a gathering of sideline spectators; instead we are a corporate body employing our gifts of service for the benefit of one another and the advancement of God’s Kingdom! Our goal is to encourage and exhort God’s people to unite with his Church and allow the gospel to shape us together into his Spiritual House (1 Pet. 2:5). We believe Church membership is very important, and we seek to guard church membership through the requirements and expectations outlined below.
Membership at CrossPoint is not like joining a social organization. Foremost, to be a member of CrossPoint requires that a person confess Christ as their Lord and by His grace be known by Him in a personal way. A second requirement is to have been (or make arrangements to be) immersed in believer’s baptism. This is to follow Christ’s instructions about the new covenant and to externally profess to the world the internal reality of His saving grace.
Before one can be a member of CrossPoint Baptist Church, a two-step process must be completed.
- Attend a CrossPoint 101 class to learn our history, affirm our theological convictions, and discover our biblical expectations of each member. Our theological convictions are outlined through the Baptist Faith & Message as well as the CrossPoint Church Membership Covenant. CrossPoint 101 classes are offered once every other month during the Sunday Morning Bible Study time at 9:00AM (childcare is provided).
- Schedule a pastoral visit. Once a person has completed CrossPoint 101 they can arrange a visit with any of our elders or pastoral staff. The primary purpose of the meeting is for pastors to hear member prospects clearly articulate their conversion experience. The meetings also allow for those seeking membership to ask specific questions and for the pastoral staff to learn more about the person. The pastoral visits are good times of fellowship and prayer.
After a person has completed CrossPoint 101, affirmed the Baptist Faith & Message and the CrossPoint Church Membership Covenant, and met with an elder, then he or she will be presented to the congregation to be affirmed and welcomed by them.
There are several biblical expectations of each member at CrossPoint.
Each member should be connected in a Bible Study or equipping group and pursuing growth in Christ (Col. 19-14; Eph. 4:11-16; Heb. 10:24-25).
Each member is expected to give cheerfully and sacrificially of the Lord’s resources, gifts, talents, and possessions that He has given them to manage (Matthew 25:14-30; 2 Cor. 9:6-15).
Each member is expected to serve both in the church and in local and global missions opportunities (Matt. 28:16-20).
Each member is expected to pursue accountability and regular confession with a small group of other believers in order to keep a close watch on their lives and doctrine (Rom. 8:13; 1 Tim. 4:16).
CrossPoint offers two small group opportunities-Sunday morning Bible Study and mid-week Home Groups-as a way of encouraging believers in the study of God’s Word, accountability, fellowship and prayer.